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Animal Psychology Diploma Level 3 artwork
Animal Psychology Diploma Level 3


Price: R4499.82

This course will offer the learner a rewarding way of learning everything required to enhance their animal psychology and behaviour knowledge base.

Looking after pets needs and understanding them is very rewarding. This course will cover the natural instincts and behaviours of dogs, cats and other common pets. It includes domestication, and  how to prevent psychiatric issues . You will also learn how pets think, learn and feel, why they exhibit a certain behaviours and how to read their communication signs.

This course is ideal for anyone, whether they are considering a career working with pets, pet owners, as well as people looking to provide a service in the growing need for pet psychologists or someone who wants to gain a much better understanding and knowledge of pet psychology.

Unit 1 – Pet Evolution


Selective Breeding
Therapeutic value
Pet fashions
Choosing a pet

By the end of this unit the learner will be able to:

Have a clear knowledge of the process of domestication
Know the functions of selective breeding
Identify the different reasons why pets have a good therapeutic value
Understand what Anthromorphism is and how to avoid it
Know how media effects the numbers of unwanted pets
Identify the different questions that need to be answered before having a pet

Unit 2 – Dog Communication


Body language

By the end of this unit the learner will be able to:

Understand how dogs communicate through smell and sound
Identify the different ways dogs communicate to other animals and us
Understand why dogs urine mark
Know what a dog is saying by the types of sounds they use
Identify the dog’s body language

Unit 3 – Canine Normal Behaviour


Puppy behaviour
Meal time manners
Senior behaviour
What is normal?

By the end of this unit the learner will be able to:

Have a clear knowledge of Puppy behaviour
Know the different types of behaviour that go on at canine meal times
Understand canine sociology
Have a clear knowledge of senior dog behaviour
Identify and understand different normal canine behaviours

Unit 4 – Understanding Canine Actions


Chasing tails
Rolling in unpleasant things
Human to dog communication
Tail between their legs
Eating grass
Rolling over
Mad moments
Muzzle grabs

By the end of this unit the learner will be able to:

Know the reasons behind dogs, circling, rolling in unpleasant things and mad moments
Identify the different ways humans communicate to dogs 
Understand why dogs chase their tails and eat grass
Know how to use muzzle grabs and understand how they work
Identify why dogs roll over showing you their belly
Unit 5 – Common Canine Psychiatric Challenges


House soiling
Jumping up

By the end of this unit the learner will be able to:

Know the different types of inappropriate elimination behaviours
Understand why dogs jump up and know how to solve it
Have a clear knowledge of digging dog behaviour
Identify, understand and modify different barking canine behaviours

Unit 6 – Canine Anxiety, Fear and Aggression


Separation anxiety

By the end of this unit the learner will be able to:

Understand separation anxiety in dogs and learn possible treatments
Have a clear knowledge of fear and phobias in dogs and understand how to treat them
Identify different types of canine aggression   

Unit 7 – Cat Communication


Cat talk
Cat Body language

By the end of this unit the learner will be able to:

Understand how cats communicate through smell and sound
Identify the different ways cats communicate to other animals and people
Understand why cats urine mark
Know what a cat is saying by the types of sounds they use
Identify the cat’s body language

Unit 8 – Feline Normal Behaviour


Kitten behaviour
Cat lessons
Meal time manners
Senior behaviour
What is normal?

By the end of this unit the learner will be able to:

Have a clear knowledge of kitten behaviour
Know the different types of behaviour that go on at feline meal times
Understand feline sociology
Have a clear knowledge of senior cat behaviour
Identify and understand different normal feline behaviours

Unit 9 – Understanding Feline Actions


Catnip and Presents
Belly up and Halloween cat
Food burying and toy dunking
Naughty Tortoiseshells

By the end of this unit the learner will be able to:

Know the reasons behind cats showing you their belly, catnaps, grooming and food burying
Identify the Halloween cat stance and understand why cats do it.
Understand why some cats love catnip and why cats bring us presents
Identify what is special about Tortoiseshell cats and learn about grieving in cats

Unit 10 – Common Feline Psychiatric Challenges


House soiling
Jumping up
Inappropriate activity
Cat shouting

By the end of this unit the learner will be able to:

Know the different types of inappropriate elimination behaviours
Understand why cats jump up and know how to solve it
Have a clear knowledge of inappropriate activity behaviour
Identify, understand and modify different cat shouting behaviours
Unit 11 – Feline Anxiety, Fear and Aggression


Separation anxiety

By the end of this unit the learner will be able to:

Understand separation anxiety in cats and learn possible treatments
Have a clear knowledge of fear and phobias in cats and understand how to treat them
Identify different types of feline aggression   

Unit 12 – Rabbit Psychology


Rabbit talk
Body language
Normal behaviour
Prey behaviour
Common psychiatric challenges

By the end of this unit the learner will be able to:

Understand how rabbits communicate through smell and sound
Identify the different ways rabbits communicate to other animals and us
Understand rabbit domestication
Learn what a rabbit is saying by the types of sounds they use
Identify the rabbit’s body language
Understand common rabbit behavioural problems and learn possible treatments
Identify prey behaviour in rabbits

Price: R4499.82


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The course has been endorsed under the ABC Awards’ Quality Licence Scheme. This means that Online Academies have undergone an external quality check to ensure that the organisation and the courses it offers, meet certain quality criteria.

The completion of this course alone does not lead to an Ofqual regulated qualification but may be used as evidence of knowledge and skills towards regulated qualifications in the future. The unit summary can be used as evidence towards Recognition of Prior Learning if you wish to progress your studies in this sector.




At the conclusion of each module there is a simple multiple choice question assessment. This will help you remember the main points of the lesson and act as a check that you have retained the essential knowledge and understanding of that particular section. The results can be seen instantaneously and you can correct wrong answers. When the result is satisfactory you can progress to the next module.

Having succeeded with the last module’s multi choice review you will be able to take the final online test. When completed it is automatically sent to your tutor for assessment. If you have passed, then notification is sent to you along with PDF’s of your awards and certificates.

If not, you can re-sit this final test as many times as you like. 

Course Outcomes

Once you have successfully completed all the modules and the final assessment paper you will become the proud owner of:

A Level 3 Certificate of Achievement issued by ABC Awards

A Diploma issued by Online Academies

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