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Business Law Diploma

  • About This Course

    Regardless of what the nature of your involvement in business is - and whether you are working in the private or public sector - as a business man or woman you will face an array of legal controls and obligations of an unprecedented scope and complexity.

    Our Business Law course is designed to introduce students who are preparing for a career in business to some of the legal rules and issues which you will encounter once you enter the world of commerce.

    You will not become an expert in any area of the law as a result of studying the course, however at the end of your study of this course it is hoped that you will not only have increased your knowledge about the law as it applies to the business world; but that you would have developed some competence at identifying legal issues, applying legal rules to factual situations and having a European perspective.

  • Course lessons

    Unit 1: The English Legal System

    Section One: The Nature of Law

    • Introduction
    • Some social functions of law
    • Criminal and civil law
    • Common law and equity
    • Equitable rights
    • Equitable remedies
    • Maxims of equity
    • Common law damages
    • Summary of section one

    Section Two: Sources of Law

    • Legislation
    • Statutory interpretation
    • Precedent
    • European Union law
    • Summary of section two

    Section Three: The Courts and Tribunals

    • Possible classifications
    • The legal process
    • Criminal courts
    • Indictable offences
    • Summary offences
    • Offences triable either way
    • Civil courts
    • Tribunals
    • Arbitration
    • Mediation
    • Summary of section three

    Section Four: Legal Personnel and Legal Aid

    • Magistrates
    • Juries
    • Members of tribunals
    • The solicitor
    • The barrister
    • The judges
    • Legal aid and other sources of legal assistance
    • Summary of section four

    Unit 2: Legal Relationships

    Section One: Liability for Employees and Agents

    • The employment relationship
    • Vicarious liability
    • The contract of employment
    • Agency
    • Types of agent and formation
    • Responsibilities of the parties
    • Terminating an agency
    • The commercial agents regulations
    • Summary of section one

    Section Two: Sole Traders and Partnerships

    • Business organisations introduced
    • Sole traders
    • Partnerships
    • Liability of partners
    • The partnership agreement
    • Ending the partnership
    • Summary of section two

    Section Three: Forming a Company

    • Basic principles
    • Separate legal personality
    • Company membership and limited liability
    • Types of company
    • Forming a company
    • The constitution: memorandum and articles
    • The Memorandum of Association
    • The Articles of Association
    • Changing the constitution
    • Summary of section three

    Section Four: Managing the Company

    • Capital
    • Shares
    • Borrowing
    • Company management
    • Summary of section four

    Unit 2: additional questions

    • Additional questions: guidance

    Unit 3: Business Contracts

    Section One: Making a Contract

    • What is a contract?
    • Creating the contract
    • Agreement - offer
    • Concluding the agreement - acceptance
    • Intention to create legal relations
    • Consideration
    • Summary of section one

    Section Two: What Can Go Wrong During the Making of a Contract

    • What can go wrong in the making of a contract and how it affects the contract
    • Lack of certainty
    • Lack of necessary formality
    • Lack of capacity
    • Illegal contracts
    • Misrepresentation
    • Summary of section two

    Section Three: Contractual Terms

    • The contents of a contract
    • Terms and pre-contractual statements
    • Contractual terms - express and implied
    • Conditions, warranties and innominate terms
    • Terms which exclude or limit liability
    • Summary of section three

    Section Four: Discharging a Contract

    • How contracts come to an end
    • Discharge by performance
    • Discharge by agreement
    • Discharge by breach of contract
    • Frustration of contracts
    • Remedies
    • Summary of section four

    Unit 3: additional questions

    • Additional questions: guidance
    • Reading list for Unit 3

    Unit 4: Non-Contractual Obligations of the Seller/Producer

    Section One: The Duty of Care in Negligence

    • Negligence: an introduction
    • The duty of care
    • Special circumstance
    • Negligent statements and professional
    • negligence
    • Summary of section one

    Section Two: Other Aspects of Negligence and Product Liability

    • Breach of duty
    • Factors in setting the standard
    • Proof of breach
    • Resulting damage
    • Defences
    • Remedies
    • Product liability
    • Summary of section two

    Section Three: Other Aspects of Tort

    • Nuisance
    • The rule in Rylands v Fletcher
    • Occupier's liability
    • Summary of section three

    Section Four: Liability in Respect of Employees

    • Vicarious liability
    • Liability for employees only
    • Within the course of employment
    • Health and safety at work
    • Making the system work
    • Summary of section four

    Unit 4: additional questions

    • Additional questions: guidance

    Unit 5: European Community Law

    Section One: The Development of the European Community

    • Introduction and history
    • The Treaty of Rome
    • The four main institutions
    • The Treaty of Maastricht
    • Terminology
    • Summary of section one

    Section Two: The Functions of the Institutions

    • The role of the institutions
    • Inter-relationship of the institutions
    • Recent changes
    • Summary of section two

    Section Three: The Sources of European Community Law

    • Transformation of European Community
    • law into English law
    • The enacted sources of European
    • Community law
    • The general principles of EC law
    • Modes of interpretation
    • Summary of section three

    Section Four: The Integration of European Community Law at a National Level

    • Supremacy of European Community law
    • Direct effect
    • Indirect effect of EC law
    • State liability for non-compliance with EC law
    • Summary of section four

    Section Five: Enforcement of European Community Law at a European Level

    • Introduction
    • Control of the institutions
    • The action for failure to act
    • The plea of illegality
    • The action for damages
    • Control of Member States
    • The preliminary reference procedure
    • Comment
    • Summary of section five

    Unit 5: additional questions

    • Additional questions: guidance
    • Further reading
  • Accreditation

    This course has been accredited by Online Academies. On successful completion of this course you will be able to download or print off a PDF of your Online Academies Certificate (please note: you will also be given the opportunity to have a hard copy of the certificate printed off and posted out to you for a small additional charge). If you would like to view a sample of the certificate, please click here.

    Online Academy work with Quality Licence Scheme (Quality Licence Scheme). The Quality Licence Scheme is part of the Skills and Education Group, a charitable organisation that unites education and skills-orientated organisations that share similar values and objectives. With more than 100 years of collective experience, the Skills and Education Group’s strategic partnerships create opportunities to inform, influence and represent the wider education and skills sector.



    At the conclusion of each module there is a multiple choice question assessment. This will help you remember the main points of the lesson and act as a check that you have retained the essential knowledge and understanding of that particular section. The results can be seen instantaneously and you can correct wrong answers. When the result is satisfactory you can progress to the next module.

    Course Outcomes

    Once you have successfully completed all the modules for your course you will be awarded:

    A Diploma issued by Online Academies

Great that it can be completed in your own time

My Animal Psychology Diploma was a well written and informative course. Easy to follow and complete. Great that it can be completed in your own time, allows for day to day activities to be undertaken and study to fit in when it can.

Professional and helpful - 100% would use again!
Great experience friendly and helpful staff
Excellent experience

I am totally satisfied with my courses. They give the flexibility of studying from home by pursuing a career at my own pace.

The best online course I have experienced

I was able to complete the course at my own pace at a time that met my needs. I would and have recommended the course to my friends and I have been able to tell them about my learning experience and how my confidence grew as I progressed through the course.

The best boost for anyone
Fantastic, I'm on top of the world
Excellent course and feedback

I have just completed a Reflexology Diploma Course and also took the exam on completion. The course itself was excellent and in particular I liked the test at the end of each lesson. It refreshes your memory of what you have been studying. The Anatomy and Physiology was the hardest part of the course but with plenty of studying it is achievable. The final exam which you pay for if you want to t...

Confidence Booster

I was given Criminology for beginners course as a Christmas present, would never have thought of doing it myself but I have enjoyed it so much. It was so easy to do and very hard to put down. It’s like reading a good book then having a test on it. There is no pressure, no tutor hurrying you up and no time limits on the tests, just how learning should be. The written report I received after the ...

Great study, own pace, actionable feed/bk
Very interesting course
Fantastic and so well set out

I recently brought the veterinary nurse assistant diploma. The course was quickly uploaded into my account, and I started it straight away the sections were set out in a easy to read way and the tests were multiple choice. Once I had finished all the sections I was offered the credited course at a cheaper price which, I took. There were plenty if question and was all essay related. Once I sent ...

Great informative course

I have done 3 courses now, 2 on dog grooming and one on human anatomy. All have been at my own speed. The modules allow me to pick it up and do when i have a spare 40 minutes. The end of module questions give me the revision i need to make sure it sunk in. I’m pleased with what I have achieved on these courses and would recommend them.

Well worth the money!
Very clear and informative course
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  • QLS
  • CMA
  • XO